The main result that CLEAN BERTH aimed for was the improvement of the collaboration and institutional capacity of the ports of Slovenia, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto Regions in the key theme of environmental sustainability and port energy efficiency, through joint action plans and strategies developed jointly, in a perspective long-term cooperation. CLEAN BERTH aimed to achieve the following specific results: 1) Improvement of port skills in joint planning for environmental sustainability and port energy efficiency, as basis for a long-term change. In particular, a fruitful exchange of experiences and a benchmark analysis provided the staff of all the ports of the Area with a solid knowledge to improve their planning skills; 2) Harmonization of policies and actions to strengthen cross-border environmental sustainability and port energy efficiency. The drafting of a common model of environmental sustainability and energy efficiency plan and its declination for each port as well as its experimentation through concrete pilot actions, created the basis for standardization of environmental protection measures, consolidating sustainability and competitiveness of the ports of the Programme Area. 3) Institutionalization of a cross-border governance of environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. Thanks to the creation of a permanent cross-border institutional platform through the signing of a joint protocol, all ports in the Programme Area undertook to apply a common strategy on environmental sustainability and energy efficiency in a long-term perspective beyond the end of the project.
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